Friday, March 8, 2013

Answer to Prayer

I am in awe right now, of just ALL the amazing awesomeness that God is to me.
Ryan got his orders today.
And I can't begin to explain how joyful and equally FLABBERGASTED I am at God. I just.. I can't explain it. I wanna cry and jump up and down and sit in His presence and praise Him out loud just for EVERYTHING!!!!! He told me that I couldn't depend on the military for anything and that I had to put my trust in Him because HE knew what was best AND HE DOES.. Everything in His timing.. And why this timing? Only He knows, but I'm not complaining that it's here.
I don't even feel like I was completely faithful in trusting the words He told me, but HE CAME THROUGH and now Ryan and  I will both be in SD around the same time next weekend.. Then off to Guam.. And off to finally starting our new lives together. In a house.. And we'll set up a baby room.. And decorate our house together.. Alright, I'm going to stop before I soak the keyboard with happy tears. <3
God, I'm just gunna take this time to thank You for all you've done.. You're worthy of all the praise and I will continue to dedicate my life to Your work and will.

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