Sunday, February 17, 2013

All People's Church (APC)

Last night I finally told someone how I was feeling about church. This someone was my sister-in-law, Bethany. I told her not to bother giving me a ride to Potters House because I felt God leading me to APC. Ultimately, she genuinely cares about my relationship w/ Him and told me that if was His will that I should go for it and check it out. After the 15 min txt conversation it was nice to have her acceptance..
So, this morning I went.
And it was .. amazing! I'm so glad my friend told me to try it out because I really was holding myself back by not diving into all that God had for me. For starters, I know a lot of people that are already attending APC [those who I've known from churches past and those who I know from Lifegroup] and so it felt very comfortable to be there today. Going right into a time of worship I fell right into step with those who were in the "River" [the section of space right in front of the stage where people have room to dance and praise however they want] and it felt .. just.. right. Funny part was I didn't know ANY of the songs [the words on the screen helped] but being surrounded by people my age who were desperate for God as much as I am was such an inspiration and suddenly the words didn't matter. I was in His presence and there is NO better place to be. [So, that whole time of worship completely won me over] The sermon was great too; It was about not being anxious or worried about our lives, how it does nothing to change anything, and how that the key is to focus on doing His will because His job is to take care of us!!!! It just hit me hard because the whole military system has been stressing me out and I'm tired of being worried and angry at every single thing that doesn't go as planned.. I just need to relax and let God take the wheel, right? As hard as that is, right now. At the end, Pastor Robert had all the leaders come down to wait on people that needed prayer [I liked that too!] and the worship team played out the rest of the service.. Agh, it was great. Afterwards, I went with my other friend to a support the refugees meeting [in one of the buildings a ways from the sanctuary] and that was interesting too. Apparently, APC is sponsoring refugees from Africa [I saw a couple in the service] and people are stepping up to help them out of the poverty they were living in.. They encouraged us to reach out to them, whether or not it was to give them rides to services or bring them food/toiletries and such.
Overall, it was just a really good time and I think that I will start going on a regular basis.. This is where I need to be. I know that now.
Now, it's just a matter of letting my in-laws know that I will be going here now..

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