Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Baby and Jesus

This morning, I felt really big kicks for the first time! Agh, I can't tell you how weird and yet amazing it is to have that happen to you! It really just blows me away how God is the master and He is knitting my little baby together inside me! The first thing I thought after the first ultrasound was, "Wow, God you are so amazing! Look at that!" And now feeling more than belly gurgles reminds me that He is still in control and is growing my little healthy baby steadily..
So, in one of my devotions last week I was reading Isaiah 40 and what caught my attention was verse 11. What is basically said was that God is our shepherd; He will watch over us AND He will "gently lead those who are with young." Meaning all those who are pregnant [or have offspring; THATS ME!] are ones who He is keeping a specially close eye out for. This really got me thinking.. It's nice that not only is He our shepherd [and He watches us anyways], but that He is looking out for me specifically :) *starts singing* Jesus loves the little chiiiiiiildren.. 

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