Friday, February 15, 2013

Burden from God [Mexico]

So, the past couple weeks I've felt God put something heavily on my heart. Not anything having to do with me, but with a friend.

I've been going to Lifegroup (the college small group thru All People's Church) and they've been talking about a missions trip to Mexico this March. I heard about it and was interested, but I felt almost immediately God quicken my heart for me to help my friend go. Why? Lord knows. Anyways, I started  pondering and praying about it, but it hadn't left me. God REALLY wanted her to go and I was going to help her get there. I offered to help her fundraise if she wanted to go and she was hesitant. Said she was scared of Mexico.. lol But I couldn't drop it.  I couldn't stop thinking how she needed to go. Maybe, Ryan and I could pitch in, I thought.

So, I asked him earlier today about how much we could pitch in: $20? $50? $100? The trip as a whole was $200 and I figured, "Meh, if we give her half, I could help her raise the other half without a problem," and then he said, "..just give her the $200, and if you guys fundraise just keep the rest." *shocked face* I WAS SO HAPPY. Just to let you know. I knew that even though this wasn't a trip I would be going on, my friend would be able to go without having to worry about $$! This was just a blessing from God, that my husband was willing to take his hard earned money and put it towards something I feel is important! [because it IS]

It just feels like a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders [not that it was a BAD burden] because I know that I have done what God wanted me to do. Now its up to my friend to make the decision whether or not she wants to go; she has no physical barriers in her way anymore.

But I hope she does go. I know her life will change if she does.. <3

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